
Showing posts from September, 2022


How to create a Website by Dr. Nur We choose a polygon topic for our project                            We are given a project for this subject in which we must create interactive educational teaching and learning materials, as well as games, to assist primary and secondary school students in mastering a specific topic. We are divided into breakout rooms for the first class to find our members at random and to discuss the basic idea we want to do for our product.  We were initially hesitant and unsure about what we wanted to do. After much deliberation, we decided on two items: Polygon Form 2 and Google Jamboard. After much research and reading, we determined that the Google Jamboard was not suitable as an innovative product. We had a lot of ideas for what to do after getting a better understanding of digital gamification tools. Finally, we perform "RolyPolygon." The wheel game inspired it. We plan to add some innovation by incorporating digital gamification elements to help


Subject technology and education were the first subjects we learned on our first day of this course. So, I was quite excited and nervous. Before I went to this class, my first impression of the subject was that we were going to learn about the technology that we would use in education. Now in the digital era, being tech-savvy was an essential skill. After a few weeks of learning about this subject, I was to introduce the theory, practice, and development of technology and innovation in the field of education. I have come to realize the difference between invention and innovation. An invention is more about the action of inventing something, typically a process or device, while innovation is more about a new method, idea, or product.  Dr. Nur uses as a platform for us to write our answers or opinions in our first class. That was my first encounter with the platform. We also learned how to use Google Sites to create a website. Dr. Nurain showed us how to use a website to store